When you need a totally RF isolated environment. Cellular phones and other wireless devices have quickly become one of the most important and valuable sources of investigative data. But that data has the high risk of being overwritten, deleted, locked-out, or corrupted unless the device is immediately RF shielded from the carrier’s network, or even powered down. If a phone is “receiving service” it is vulnerable to remote access, remote data dumps, and remote lockdowns. If the phone is powered off, it is also vulnerable to auto lockdowns and authentication code changes for re-access.
Ramsey’s patented Forensic Shielded Test Enclosures (STEs) can make this daunting task a breeze while keeping your budget in line. From simple RF isolated storage to a hands-on isolation chambers for telephone manipulation, our cost effective Forensic solutions will keep your evidence secure, and properly locked to preserve the chain of custody.